Bed bugs. At one time they were almost unheard of in much of the US, but they have made a comeback ever since the discontinuation of the pesticide DDT. DDT was the only pesticide that was truly effective against bed bugs, but unfortunately, it also had some very serious side-effects for humans.

With your options for treatment severely limited, you should take care not to get an infestation in the first place. When travelling, you need to be careful to not bring bed bugs home with you. Hotels are notorious for having issues with bed bugs, so before settling in, you should check the seams on your mattress, as well as, the seams on any couches or sofas.

You should also exercise care when buying used furniture, since these might bring bed bugs into your home. Many times you will be able to find some traces of the bugs if you inspect the piece of furniture closely, so don’t be afraid to take a close look before buying something used.

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