If you have carpets, you know that some stains seem impossible to get out of your carpets. Here are a few suggestions to help you to get out two common stains from your carpets.

Candle wax is a common stain. You will not want to try to clean this right away. Allow the wax to cool, then try to scrape off the hardened wax. Then, put paper towels on top of the wax and press with a dry warm iron. After that cools, fluff the fibers with your fingers.

Another common stain is red wine. You will want to blot the spill with absorbent cloths, then spritz or sponge the stain with cold water. Then sponge with a mix of 1 Tbsp each dish liquid and white vinegar to 2 cups warm water. Blot dry. Then spritz or sponge again with cold water to rinse, then blot dry.

These are just a few suggestions to help you get out those stubborn stains. There are products out there that will treat certain carpet stains, just make sure you follow the product’s directions and that they are compatible with your type of carpet.

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